With apologies to our based GAW lady frogs, but, after watching CDC director Rochelle Walensky
look right into the camera and say "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away," WHELP, I'll go ahead and be the one to say it:
卐 - NAZI BITCH! - 卐

I'm going to add - white college educated women have got to be the WORST in terms of derangement.
(I am a white college educated female.)
I don't think someones sex or skin color has anything to do with being deranged. When it comes to college, the propagation of derangement is heavily influenced by the "professors" who usually have a more intelligent way to explain their derangement to influential children (who's brains have not fully developed yet) who have not thought enough on the subject or have done their own research. Usually the masses in college latch on to an idea that sounds more intelligent in order to have a more intelligent sounding idea than they originally had without actually thinking critically to accept or develop that intelligent idea. A good college will teach a student how to trust a professor by thinking critically about the information given by the professor. Trust but verify. I say all that to say, it's the system of influence that elevates the deranged professors that in turn influence the deranged students that eventually move into a society that is more willing to "accept what they hear from trusted sources". The system was purposely designed this way to make a more complaint society. The derangement is much deeper than white women.