posted ago by pec9019 ago by pec9019 +4 / -0

If you cannot explain the connection of Rockefeller's, Kissinger and China without referencing Richard Nixon, you are now informed of the gaping holes in your understanding of the past 100 years.

Here is my Corbett Report podcast episode starter pack:

#310 How Big Oil Conquered The World

#321 Why Big Oil Conquered The World

#316 The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

#338 NGO’s Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

#113 Meet George Soros

#292 Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

#123 Meet Smedley Butler

#38 OKC Was An Inside Job

#297 China and the New World Order

#67 The 9/11 Money Trail

This starter pack will establish the framework in your brain that will make all other topics/rabbit holes suddenly become 1000x more meaningful. Without a proper conceptual structure in place, all the details of various topics are not able to be properly placed and connected.

Take care my friends.