Tenants inside WTC 7 included:
⁃ Department of Defense
⁃ Secret Service
⁃ Securities and Exchange Commission
⁃ NYC Office of Emergency Management
According to the government’s official story, the building suffered a fire-induced progressive collapse and was NOT a controlled demolition.
Did fire really cause the collapse, or was WTC 7 purposely demolished to cover [their] tracks?
There are video clips that show simultaneous explosions in the multiple windows on Bldg 7, just mere seconds before the building collapses. Cannot convience me that this building collapsed due to a friggen fire. Since 911, or even before, has anyone seen a building of this sie and age collapse due to a fire? Building codes prevent such occurances.
We need to get to the bottom of this crime against humanity as well. Bush - chenney must be puckering as others have said.