"As we walk through the wilderness of the world there are two entities that we meet — two adversaries that confront us on every hand — the beast and the false prophet. We first meet them in chapter thirteen of the Revelation. Individually and inwardly, the beast is the bestial nature of the natural man of flesh. Corporately, the beast is the monster out of the sea of humanity with its ten horns and seven heads — the whole bestial world system of man, invented and produced out of the bestial nature of man. This includes all human governments and institutions of every kind, commercial, educational, philosophical, medical, social, military, etc. It is the dragon in man who gives the beast out of the sea of humanity his seat and great authority
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"Then we are shown a great lake of fire for all the adversaries of God — death, hell, the beastly fleshly nature, and the world system it creates; the soulical powers of man, and the religious systems (false prophet) it spawns; and all who are incorrigible in iniquity (Rev. 14:9-11; 20:10-15). What are we meant to understand by this lake which burns with fire and brimstone? We know only too well the use the church systems have made of this conception through the ages! It has been given some horrific connotations and has been employed to create a distorted view of the character and purpose of God. The crude idea that an all-wise, all-knowing, all-righteous, and all-loving Creator would create men whom He knew before hand would follow the paths of sin and death, and before hand decree endless torture in unending flames for all of His creatures who are deceived and become captives of sin and self, does dishonor to the name and glory of our precious Lord Jesus Christ; and it is incredible that the compassionate Saviour of mankind could ever have intended for us to read into His words the macabre notion that He will use that wonderful Holy Ghost fire of His glorious Person to torture billions of souls throughout endless eternity!"