Visa and Mastercard are not long for this world. They have run a cartel-like credit system and screwed so many people with high interest rates. I hope we go back to a mostly cash society once the financial reset is in place.
That's just it. The NWO one world currency will never happen. We're going back to the gold standard. These Rothschild banks and credit systems will be history. As they should be .
Visa and Mastercard are not long for this world. They have run a cartel-like credit system and screwed so many people with high interest rates. I hope we go back to a mostly cash society once the financial reset is in place.
To tell the truth, there is no reason why we are buying shit all the time. "Consumer Culture" is Deep State control.
That's just it. The NWO one world currency will never happen. We're going back to the gold standard. These Rothschild banks and credit systems will be history. As they should be .