Trains on tracks are safer than tons of giant trucks mixed into traffic and can deliver vastly larger quantities of produce, and shorter truck distances means more truck drivers can spend the nights with their families.
Climate fags crying about "coal pollution" can fuck off, we need more CO2 in the atmosphere for the plants thus more oxygen for us
I've worked in warehouses. Using forklifts to unload trains and load on to trucks is insignificant. I personally like the idea of more jobs being available.
It would be nice if there were more tracks and more trains, especially passenger trains. Most of the passenger trains disappeared before I had the chance to take a trip on one. The train at Dollywood doesn't really count.
The local warehouses and train sidings are mostly gone and would cost a fortune to replace today.
Actually, there are millions of jobs available, but millions of people don't want to work. I always worked at whatever job I could get at the time. I retired extremely early.
I've driven a forklift too. I saw a guy drive a pallet of bottled Pepsi around a corner a bit too fast and lost it. I had to help clean it up. He caught hell from everyone in the bottling plant.