Zuby: Never forget demonization of the 'unvaccinated'
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One person, months later, apologized to me for insulting my clean blood. Most of the vaxxers are still trying to bury their heads deeper in the delusional bullshit.
F them. Day by day in a dripware fashion, the medical establishment and government is trying to out the toothpaste back in the tube. They release bits of truth because then they can state we told you the facts. We need global trials against these people. The truth is coming out, they cannot hid it, people are dying which is waking a lot of people up. Everyone I know, knows someone who is vax injured or dead, for the most part. Funny how the msm will not cover the huge increease in deaths since the vax was released. They wont cover the stunning increase in cariac issues or cancers either, it's coming and they cannot spin it as winter vagina anymore.