MarkusCincinnatus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nick Fuentes is what the left wishes we were. Therefore, fuck that guy.“

You care about what the commies think of you. Therefore, you’re a gamma.

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +6 / -2

Satanic global communists had a 16 year plan to destroy the USA beginning with the 2008 selection of obama. Many people including the Q team figured out what the commies were doing. The Q team has now invested a decade and a half into their own plan to counter the commies. Most of the Q proofs only show a connection to Trump, and many of us believe that Trump is Q+. The Q team wouldn’t leave all that elaborate planning and game theorizing, as well as the life of Q+, in the hands of local cops and dipshit DHS employees.

The question is, how many people were trapped into thinking they were going along with a genuine assassination attempt?

We’re watching a movie. Q pretty much told us there would be kayfabe and choreography. Since Trump didn’t die, the details of the event will be memory holed and there won’t be much need for lifelong silence among the participants.

I mean, what’s going to happen? In 2025 if a Secret Service agent admitted the attempt was staged, would that mean that Biden automatically and retroactively wins the 2024 election? No. It won’t matter.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

that they would never divulge or share what they took part in”

This is a common fallacy of those attempting to debunk conspiracy theories. The conspiracy doesn’t require that the conspirators “never” divulge. In this case, a staged assassination attempt could be publicly discussed by the participants the day after Election Day, or January 20th at the latest, and the disclosure would be ineffectual.

MarkusCincinnatus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, does she want proof of life from Joe Biden, or from “Joe Biden”? The fake one will probably have to suffice at this point.

I’m accepting that I was wrong a few weeks ago in giving Biden a 51% chance of staying in the race, but it would be funny if he’s still in it. What if he showed up for a proof of life appearance and said, “Quit? I didn’t quit. Terminal illness? I’m fine. Someone else is trying to put words in my mouth. Letter? What letter? I didn’t write it.”

If Biden stayed in the race/ got back in the race now it would be crushingly demoralizing to Democrat voters hanging onto sanity by their fingernails.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo“

Anyone have that promo?

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

People you haven’t met can still affect you. I think the original tweeter, Jay’V, put it well:

You have raging hatred for a man that has never caused you any harm”

MarkusCincinnatus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Massie admits he’s still waiting for the results of his wife’s autopsy. His premature tweet suggests the possibility that he’s under threat.

If the cabal is slick enough to make murder look like natural causes, the autopsy might not show it, but Massie could’ve used a wait & see approach just in case it shows skullduggery.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

In 1899 there weren’t corporations dumping micro plastics and forever chemicals into the water and food supplies. Along with protecting our personal rights via law & order, government as the embodiment of the citizens’ political consensus should protect and manage nature. And that’s about it. No need for government to get its dirty fingers in people’s abstract activities such as education, healthcare, retirement planning, charity, etc, which should all be traded for privately and voluntarily.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

A good role for government is managing interactions with the natural world, such as the use of natural resources. None of us created nature but we all use it, so that is the proper arena for political consensus. I shouldn’t have a vote on how much of his abstract income another citizen is “allowed” to keep, but I should have a say on how many fish he is allowed to take from nature.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some people have always been pissed off about it. It’s good that number is increasing, because that will entice more of the cynical ones who want to appease the side that looks like it’ll win.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

if enough of the natives figure out fully what is happening and get angry“

Almost all of the native Europeans have known what is happening. Some of them just don’t care. They’ve been convinced that being antiChristian and antiwhite is rewarded with high social status, more employment opportunities, and less hassle from the traitorous authorities. The sellouts figure they’ll reap the benefits during their lifetimes and not worry about what happens after they’re dead. Angela Merkel, for example, has no children and no chance of having children, so she has no direct biological connection to the future beyond her lifetime. So she figures she might as well sellout and “enjoy” her current life.

It’s really gross.

It’s why the satanic global communists have attacked Christianity so relentlessly. Christianity has people value people and things beyond themselves. It makes people want God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Heathens taking over Christendom is not God’s will.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

shit eaters but not proof readers

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

“So you have a more stable life now?”


MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +4 / -1

jew dyke is telling us that she didn’t bother to read Tier Two of the Three Tier Test within the Supreme Court’s ruling.


MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first word of my comment was “If”.

Anyway, you wrote:

The more correct statement would be "the white hats must have anticipated a possible candidate switch" at this point. “

At this point? Since 2020 people have been anticipating Biden getting supplanted. Some guessed it might happen just after the 2022 midterms. This isn’t a new concept. We’ll see what happens, but if the dems have had the power to replace Brandon, it seems like they would’ve done it already. Other people have noted that it’s too late to change the ballots in some of the battleground states. If so, the Dems are stuck with Brandon.

Do you believe the hypothesis that Biden is currently being portrayed by an actor? I do, but I don’t claim to know for sure. I don’t know why people would go to the bother of installing an actor just to let their enemies replace him.

“We have it all”

“You’re watching a movie”

“What makes a good movie? Good actors”

“Patriots are in control”

Put together, I don’t think these statements mean that patriots are only in control of themselves and not controlling key democrats also.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

That’s a good point. I once asked my father if Satan could’ve actually delivered, and my father agreed with you that he could’ve. If Satan couldn’t have delivered, Jesus would’ve known it and the offer wouldn’t have been a temptation at all.

MarkusCincinnatus 9 points ago +9 / -0

If the whole movie is under white hats’ control, then a candidate switch is only possible if the white hats allow it. The dems might just be spinning their wheels. For example, Pelosi called for Brandon to be replaced, but we’ve seen that video of Pelosi taking orders from what seems like a white hat handler. I hope the dems are stuck with Brandon and their current talk of replacing him is just making things awkward. After they’ve thrown him under the bus and tried to retire him, it would be hilarious if Brandon got 81 million mostly fake votes again and the disingenuous dems did an about face and acted like they never abandoned him: “it’s very plausible for Biden to get 81 million legitimate votes because we all have great admiration for his cognitive ability.” And then bring out the fraud proof and make them eat their shit.

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