Everyone pretty much agrees that this is our vision of Jesus Christ. My understanding is that Satan has dominion over this realm and influences many factors of our existence, always present to lead us down the wrong path.
In end times there will be a great deception, many will be fooled. It is said that the anti-christ will return first. What if this is what it looks like? What if we have all been groomed for centuries to accept this figure in the end times?
If the deception follows this theme, it would work. Just look at the comments for this post. I believe in God and Jesus but, I don’t think this is going to be all rainbows and sunshine. I’m really surprised this theory we’re discussing is so novel. Many think it is a silly idea...
What if it is not a blue beam projection and a real entity revealing itself as this image of Jesus?
Everyone pretty much agrees that this is our vision of Jesus Christ. My understanding is that Satan has dominion over this realm and influences many factors of our existence, always present to lead us down the wrong path.
In end times there will be a great deception, many will be fooled. It is said that the anti-christ will return first. What if this is what it looks like? What if we have all been groomed for centuries to accept this figure in the end times?
If the deception follows this theme, it would work. Just look at the comments for this post. I believe in God and Jesus but, I don’t think this is going to be all rainbows and sunshine. I’m really surprised this theory we’re discussing is so novel. Many think it is a silly idea...
What if it is not a blue beam projection and a real entity revealing itself as this image of Jesus?
Expect the unexpected. Could look like that. Could be totally different.
Christ will return. But I was also taught He’s the beggar on the street, the orphan, the widow, etc.
I have wondered about that myself but I figured no matter what He looked like we would know him by his fruits as they say.
I fully expect Jesus to look a lot different? Or maybe he will appear to us as we would know him idk
I asked "who do you say it is" bc that's what Jesus asked the disciples himself at at least one point. :)