Crocs were considered cool. Mohawks were considered cool. BeIIbottoms were considered cool. Croakies were considered cool. Swatches were considered cool. RoIIerbIades were considered cool. Gshocks were considered cool. There are literally entire industries that are made possible only because people think "the Iatest cooI" thing is cool.
If peopIe can be fooIed, voIuntariIy spnding 1000s of their $ just to keep up with having the Iatest cooI thing, what the more when it's free?
I think society has gotten this bad specifically because we've voIuntariIy isoIated ourseIves based on poIiticaI creed and crap. When the overton window has turned too much, the world is gonna need more people who are willing to turn it back, not Iess.