It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?
It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?