So, because I also wear an iron cross, I can be labeled as a Nazi? The iron cross was created in 1812 by the king of Prussia to honor his soldiers. Then in the 1930s, some nut case used it for his army. Does that mean anyone now wearing it is a Nazi? I have many biker friends, (non 1% ers) who wear the iron cross and also have them on their bikes. My gosh, we are secretly being overrun by clandestine Nazis! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
So, because I also wear an iron cross, I can be labeled as a Nazi? The iron cross was created in 1812 by the king of Prussia to honor his soldiers. Then in the 1930s, some nut case used it for his army. Does that mean anyone now wearing it is a Nazi? I have many biker friends, (non 1% ers) who wear the iron cross and also have them on their bikes. My gosh, we are secretly being overrun by clandestine Nazis! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!