On its face, most would agree with this statement.
If you make something, of your own blood, sweat, and tears, with no intent to sell to another person, it should be yours to keep outside the purview of any governing body.
Why is possession only a crime if you aren't in power?
In most places it's against the law to possess hemp. Why, then, can the government ignore that law?
It's against the law in most places to own a suppressor. Why, then, can the government have as many as they want?
And then they turn around and try to tell you that you don't need guns? Well, why do THEY need guns?
They'll tell you it's because "we need guns to fight crime."
The only reason WE THE PEOPLE permit the Government to have guns is NOT to "fight crime" but to "DEFEND THE PEOPLE AND THEIR RIGHTS!"
The People are the Sole Authority on the question of Ownership.
So, when Criminals seek to assault The People and infringe upon their God-Given Rights, it's the Governments SERVICE, not power, to The People to protect those Rights under the Terms of The People.
When the Government decides to take away Rights indiscriminately, taking away Rights before any crime is convicted upon, then they become Criminals because they are infringing upon the Rights of The People.
When you make something, it is your child. When you grow something, it is your child. You have a Right to that thing. Only when you decide to sell it to another does it interact with another person's Rights.
A Government's charge and duty is to uphold the Rights of its Citizens. Only when its Citizens interact with one another can a Right possibly be infringed upon. Correct?
If I as an Individual and Citizen decide to make a suppressor, firearm, grow hemp, cook up a hydrogen fuel cell, or even slap together a nuclear bomb -- unless I involve another Citizen in that process, it is entirely my Right to do as I wish with what is MY PROPERTY.
Just because you don't like me owning something or my hobby gives you no Right to say what I can or can't do With and On My Property.
At the beginning of this rant, I stated "most would agree with this statement."
And I know many will have come up with exceptions to my logic that you'd wish to keep in place so that people can't own things of a destructive or even self-destructive nature.
What you must understand is that placing restrictions on one form of Property applies those restrictions to ALL forms of Property, up to and including your own life.
This is the verbal and semantic magic that they've used to convince us that we don't own what we factually do.
The Laws of Nature are this: anything you hold in your hands and under your feet is your Property, so long as you are willing to fight for it.
If you refuse to stand your ground and hold on to what is in your grasp, then it cannot possibly belong to you. Unless you fight for what you possess, it never belonged to you to begin with. A cougar cares not for your deed to the land, so why too would a Government care?
So, fight for what you have. Many will try to take it from you. You only possess that which you're willing to defend -- and the first step to relinquishing what is YOURS is to admit that sometimes, given the exception, the Government should have a say in what you can and cannot do with Your Right to Property.
Fuck that noise.
If you make it, it is yours. Period.
Everyone else can fuck right off.
Don't let your children, whether they be your own flesh and blood or the product of your inventive soul, become wards of the state.
Anyways... Just thought I'd get that off my chest. Carry on, and God bless.