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The Big Picture Is Hidden in the Smoke Screen of Its Compartmentalized Subplots By Gary D. Barnett

September 16, 2022


As the “Great Reset” continues to roll forward, most of the media, including the alternative media, is very busy breaking down each and every part of the sub-plots, analyzing everything and every aspect of this plotted terror, and attempting to tackle each element in order to at some point in the far future, hopefully convince their masters to grant them some minor relief. This technique or method of incremental persuasion, is completely worthless, in that it is the exact same strategy that was used to undermine the populace through long-term indoctrination and propaganda campaigns in the first place, and is well understood by the ruling hierarchy. In essence, this is an attempt to go after the state perpetrators of terror by using the same tactics that they perfected, and then used against the masses. No solution to the real problem can ever be achieved with such an illogical, expected, and acquiescent approach.

The big picture is that the ruling ‘elites’ who make up the ruling class, and control governments, are attempting to take over this country and the world, in order to form a global ruling structure by the few based on technocratic governing models. This has been referred to as the “Great Reset,” but could be called any number of things; new world order immediately comes to mind. That is the central focus and the main agenda, and all the other aspects of this that are discussed, argued, fought over, singled out, and vetted incessantly, are the subplots and symptoms of a much larger problem. By breaking everything down to its parts, the focus of attention is spread thin, and each and every compartmentalization helps to hide the true agenda. It is not that these things are unimportant; quite the contrary, but separating them out and concentrating so much energy on each, simply helps to cover up the bigger problem.

MORE: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/09/gary-d-barnett/the-big-picture-is-hidden-in-the-smoke-screen-of-its-compartmentalized-subplots/