Screw the WHO. You only have until 16th Sept to send your short video to WHO with accompanying messages. Some of them already done are very good. Instructions and link are all there on James's website. Also all the email addresses
....get busy people..this is the time to speak and change this world from a fear ridden of people frightened to breathe the air or give a hug for fear of non existent viruses back into the world God gave us.
Screw the WHO. You only have until 16th Sept to send your short video to WHO with accompanying messages. Some of them already done are very good. Instructions and link are all there on James's website. Also all the email addresses
....get busy people..this is the time to speak and change this world from a fear ridden of people frightened to breathe the air or give a hug for fear of non existent viruses back into the world God gave us.