The jabbed will produce spike proteins by themselves as the mRNA reprograms their own cell's DNA to do so. Spike proteins attack the body's organs and wreak havoc. Not to mention the graphene oxide that is controlled by EMFs.
We will be seeing very unusual medical problems in the future. Some now, some in the distant future.
You might even "sense" less people around you when you are in public. This the worst crime against humanity in the history of the world.
The jabbed will produce spike proteins by themselves as the mRNA reprograms their own cell's DNA to do so. Spike proteins attack the body's organs and wreak havoc. Not to mention the graphene oxide that is controlled by EMFs.
We will be seeing very unusual medical problems in the future. Some now, some in the distant future.
You might even "sense" less people around you when you are in public. This the worst crime against humanity in the history of the world.