I personally think it is time to fight the negativity of the derisive nature of {their} use of the term "conspiracy theory" against those of us AWAKE already.
That being said, I will now just respond with these words....
"I prefer to think of them as self fulfilling prophecies.".
Until such a time as the word "theory" is understood correctly by those that bandy it about like "racist" "nazi" "fascist" among all the words they toss out at anyone that disagrees with their beliefs or ignores their feelings.
I tell people I prefer the term "Conspiracy Analyst"
The wonder of free thinking and free expression be upon you, Brother. The great cull.... inevitable? necessary? ordained?
In the words of the great Mr. Rate
"That moment you think you've got it all figured out... YOU"RE WRONG!"
i.e. The Big Bang Theory - https://iai.tv/articles/the-big-bang-didnt-happen-auid-2215
Germ Theory ...
or how about this jem - https://infogalactic.com/info/List_of_theoretical_conspiracies
It's more about confusing and obfuscating than anything else.
I want a list...
like the "muslim countries travel ban" but for "fringe" conspiracies...
The ones (like flat-earth) we can all agree are here just to slide and divide.
I also want a maximum of 3 pins on the front page.
I'm dreaming.