1896 McKinley won the presidential race with a great deal of support from Big Business, e.g., John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil contributed $250,000 to the "front porch" campaign that defeated Bryan and his populist platform of returning to the constitutionally mandated monetary system and reform of McKinley's high tariffs that had allowed domestic manufacturers to raise their prices to a level that matched the artificially-induced higher prices of foreign goods, thus causing a severe depression.
1897-1901 William McKinley, 25th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Initiated: May 1, 1865, Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. Brother McKinley Affiliated with Canton Lodge No. 60, Canton, Ohio on August 21, 1867; and Demitted from same to become a Charter Member of Eagle Lodge No. 431, also in Canton. Following Brother McKinley's death on September 14, 1901, the name was changed to William McKinley Lodge effective October 24, 1901. Governor of Ohio, 1892-1896. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Assassinated. Died in office September 14. Vice President, Garret A. Hobart, 1897-1899. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, 1901. Confirmed Mason. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Note: Mason power put in Vice Presidency, before a President dies.
I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I’m not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to.
1898-1925 Joseph McKenna, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William McKinley.
1898 Harry Payne Whitney (Son of W.C. Whitney) Skull and Bones. Field: Finance: Guaranty Trust & Guggenheim Exploration Co.
1898 Franklin Atkins Lord. Skull and Bones.
1900 William J. Bryan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
In 1901, New Yorks Chief Detective Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino, had warned the Secret Service about an imminent assassination attempt against President William McKinley. Petrosino had learned of the plot by infiltrating his agents into the Henry Street Settlement House in New York, a hot bed of British Fabian Society and international anarchist activity. The Secret Service ignored his warnings, and McKinley was assassinated months later, leaving British agent and B'nai B'rith ally, Teddy Roosevelt, to assume the Presidency.
What makes you think it’s Jesuit banks
& not Judeo-Masonic banks? Are the Jesuits even in charge of banking? They are founded Universities & went around the world evangelizing.
Everyone knows that Freemasonry movement in England, the Anglican Monarchy & Rothschild banking dynasty have all been incestuously involved for 300+ years.
The same people that controlled Rome control the papacy. Pepe Orsini, the Grey pope, is the most powerful man in the world. The bankers are just subservient to the Jesuits and the Grey pope. The Rothschilds aren’t at the very top. The Orion bloodlines are as follows: Rothschilds, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Bundys, Russell, Van Duyn, Collins, Freeman, Onassis, Li, Kennedy, Astor, Merovingian/Payseur(PaySOROS)
The real top bloodlines, the Saturnalian/Zoroastrian bloodlines, are the: Borja, Breakspeare, somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este, Aldobrandini(David Rothschild married into that family)
Vatican bank supported hospitals, universities, convents, and church related estates. Christian (Catholic) society, usury was outlawed. Rothchilds & Masonry came into prominence during the Protestant reign of England.
From there, international banking & Masonry spread to the rest of Christian Europe. Lots of folks have made a big deal of a “grey Pope”;Masonic Pope Burgollio is doing a fine job destroying the church by himself & his bishops; I don't nothing has ever come of it or anything conclusive.
1896 McKinley won the presidential race with a great deal of support from Big Business, e.g., John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil contributed $250,000 to the "front porch" campaign that defeated Bryan and his populist platform of returning to the constitutionally mandated monetary system and reform of McKinley's high tariffs that had allowed domestic manufacturers to raise their prices to a level that matched the artificially-induced higher prices of foreign goods, thus causing a severe depression.
1897-1901 William McKinley, 25th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Initiated: May 1, 1865, Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. Brother McKinley Affiliated with Canton Lodge No. 60, Canton, Ohio on August 21, 1867; and Demitted from same to become a Charter Member of Eagle Lodge No. 431, also in Canton. Following Brother McKinley's death on September 14, 1901, the name was changed to William McKinley Lodge effective October 24, 1901. Governor of Ohio, 1892-1896. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Assassinated. Died in office September 14. Vice President, Garret A. Hobart, 1897-1899. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, 1901. Confirmed Mason. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Note: Mason power put in Vice Presidency, before a President dies.
I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I’m not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to.
1898-1925 Joseph McKenna, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William McKinley.
1898 Harry Payne Whitney (Son of W.C. Whitney) Skull and Bones. Field: Finance: Guaranty Trust & Guggenheim Exploration Co.
1898 Franklin Atkins Lord. Skull and Bones.
1900 William J. Bryan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
In 1901, New Yorks Chief Detective Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino, had warned the Secret Service about an imminent assassination attempt against President William McKinley. Petrosino had learned of the plot by infiltrating his agents into the Henry Street Settlement House in New York, a hot bed of British Fabian Society and international anarchist activity. The Secret Service ignored his warnings, and McKinley was assassinated months later, leaving British agent and B'nai B'rith ally, Teddy Roosevelt, to assume the Presidency.
-Robert Howard
What makes you think it’s Jesuit banks & not Judeo-Masonic banks? Are the Jesuits even in charge of banking? They are founded Universities & went around the world evangelizing.
Everyone knows that Freemasonry movement in England, the Anglican Monarchy & Rothschild banking dynasty have all been incestuously involved for 300+ years.
The same people that controlled Rome control the papacy. Pepe Orsini, the Grey pope, is the most powerful man in the world. The bankers are just subservient to the Jesuits and the Grey pope. The Rothschilds aren’t at the very top. The Orion bloodlines are as follows: Rothschilds, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Bundys, Russell, Van Duyn, Collins, Freeman, Onassis, Li, Kennedy, Astor, Merovingian/Payseur(PaySOROS)
The real top bloodlines, the Saturnalian/Zoroastrian bloodlines, are the: Borja, Breakspeare, somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este, Aldobrandini(David Rothschild married into that family)
These are one in the same.
I don’t think they are the same thing.
Vatican bank supported hospitals, universities, convents, and church related estates. Christian (Catholic) society, usury was outlawed. Rothchilds & Masonry came into prominence during the Protestant reign of England. From there, international banking & Masonry spread to the rest of Christian Europe. Lots of folks have made a big deal of a “grey Pope”;Masonic Pope Burgollio is doing a fine job destroying the church by himself & his bishops; I don't nothing has ever come of it or anything conclusive.