Truthseeker84 0 points ago +1 / -1

In comparison to what? The Protestant \ Masonic Age of "Enlightenment" gave us the Revolutionary wars in the late 18 & early 19th Centuries. WWI &II were fomented by WASP protestant Freemason psychopaths.

Truthseeker84 7 points ago +14 / -7

The Masons worship Pythagoras, Gnostic secret society philosopher & mathematician. He promoted the helio-centric model during the time of antiquity. The fact that this debate goes that far back & sexret societies Masons were involved in "the moon landing", I believe this is a RELIGIOUS battle iver our understanding of earth.

I chose the biblical truth. I chose to trust my God given senses.

Truthseeker84 0 points ago +1 / -1

Which of the 40,000 man-made Protestant sects did your ancestors fall for?

Martin Luthers only claim to authority was the fact that he was a Catholic Priest who simply rebelled. He broke his own vies, married a Nun & attempted to edit the bible to fit his ideology:

Opportinistic, Depraved monarch, King Henry VIII wanted a divorce, jumped on the Protestant revolt.

His side chick, Anne Boylin, would later be executed for WITCHCRAFT & her daughter would continue with the occult. Lookup John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you have any pictures if dead relatives? That would also be idol worship by your purity standards.

Truthseeker84 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The early church venerated Mary: the Rosary prayer is 500 years older than any Protestant man made religion created iver the past 500 years.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +2 / -1

So you just chose to believe that Christianity went underground for 1,500 until a perverted German Gnostic "Catholic" Priest, broke his vows, married a Nun & decided to edit the Bible? Is that really what Protestants believe?

You believe there are 40,000 different Protestant ways instead of the ONE & ORIGINAL Apostolic Church?

You know that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has been fighting Satanic Epstein Child Killers since the MidEavil ages, correct? You know The RCC has been at war with Satanic Freemasons since the French Revolution, correct?

Look up Saint Simon of Trent. Look up Saint William of Norwich, Look up the Holy Child of Largadia & educate youself on how REAL Christian society handled the Synagogue of Satan.

There's a Reason Q came online 500 years to the date of the "Reformation". There is a reason Q mentions Vigano.

There's a reason POTUS retweeted Vigano's letter to Potus back in 2020. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +2 / -1

Martin Luther only claim to Validity was the fact that he was a Catholic Preist, take that away & he is simply a quack who broke his vows, married a Nun & attempted to re-write the bible.

He was a Gnostic who followed Kabbalah. Look at his Crest (Rose & Cross). Look at the Tudor Family Crest, Rose + Cross. Look at the a Rosecrutia Gnostic Secret Society Symbol, Rose + Cross.

The "reformation" was a looting operation with the Deep State Secret Societies fingerprints all over it. Mark my words.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +4 / -1

I am enclined to believe that too... however, he recently re-affirmed that Catholics Cant be Masons. I still dont trust him:


I do not Trusf Burgolio, but I am pleased to see a renewed interest in this 300 year old fued Between The Holy Roman Catholic Church & the Secret Societies.

If you dig further back, the war flares up in1307 between good & evil goes back to the Gnostic Ophites who infiltrated the Templars while they were stationed in Jerusalem; they were precursor of the Masons.

the Illumanti (Lumbrasos ) made their precense in 1492 & the Catholic Inquisitors hunted them down.

Intetesting times.

Truthseeker84 5 points ago +8 / -3

I am reading up on Loyola. He apperently was arrested by the CATHOLIC Spanish Inquisitors for being sympathetic to the Lumbroso (Illumanti) sectet society.

Understand, again, that the Holy Church has been fighting Secret Societies longer than most of the Pop-Up church's in America even existed.

Ask yourself why your Protestant Bible is missing Books.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +3 / -1

I dont trust Burgolio but I was oddly surpised when he recentlh denounced Freemasonry.

I am looking to Arch Bishop Vigano & a few other conservative Spritual leaders for guidance during these confusing times.

In light of Kamala Harris Knights Templar Masonic Police force being exposed in 2015, I believe that this concorted war on the Church goes back to the French Revolution. Look at Mason General Lafayette's gift to Mason General Washington; the Keys to the Bastielle proudly hanging in his house.

I believe our job, as laymen, is to expose the 300 year long plot against the Church by the (G)nistic Secret Societies against the Church.

Re-read the Q drop, referencing the letter that archbishop wrote to President Trump back in 2020 and President Trump retweeted it in that letter, vegan no calls out the freemasons, and it specifically says 'Solvay coagula' the words written on Baphomet, the Templars (Freemason gnostic 5th Collumn) secretly worships. The infiltration & war on Christiandom can be whitnessed in the late 14th century.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +4 / -1

Dude, I am with you on your skepticism! I dont trust any "Pope" since the 1960's!!! I dont believe that any pope since Pius XII is legit.

Vatican II was a coup (read into what Vigano writes about it.)

If we actually had a Holy Pope, he would excommunicate Pelosi, Biden, Trudeau, & the slew of other fakes thats say they are "Catholic".

If we had a Holy Pope, he would destroy that Satanic Snake Building that was built in the late 1960's.

I understand your misgivings but please understand.... the FBI is targetting traditional catholics like myself & not the modernist, Novos Ordo (New Order) Catholics. There is a reason for that....

Truthseeker84 10 points ago +11 / -1

I believe the "Protestant" Reformation was simply an operation by the Secret Societies to break up Christiandom.

▪️In the 14th century, The Holy Roman Catholic King Phillip put down the Knights Templars (who also were infiltrated by Gnostics). The Templars are the 14th Century Precursor to Freemasonry. FACT.

▪️in the 15th century, the Spanish Inquisition put down the Lumbrosos "Illumaniti" in Spain.

▪️by this point, in the late 15th Centtury, Epstien like Child sacrifice was Occuring in certain Jewish Sects & the Church put them down as well. Please researh the following child saints & tell me This shit doesnt sound like Epstein:

-Saint Simon of Trent.

-Saint William of Norwich.

-Holy Child of Lagardia. (This sacrifice got Jews Kicked out of Spain in 1492).

By the time Luther came into the picture, the church had already beem at war with Witches, Child Sacrifices, Secret societies... you think this war against Satanic forces is new? The Catholic Church has at least a 700 year, track record of fighting THIS!

Look up the Seal of Martin Luther.➡️ Then Look up the Seal of the Tutors.➡️ Finally, look at the seal for the Rose+Cross. Rosecrutian Secret Society. ➡️

The Protestant movement was begun by THESE secret societies. Stop being tricked into hating the ORIGINAL Church founded by Jesus & the Apostles.

Truthseeker84 7 points ago +8 / -1

Perhaps your analysis would be more accurate if you referenced the 5th Collumn that exists within the Vatican. The Masonic Infiltration has been clearly recorded through Senate Testimony given by Bella Dodd under the Communist Purges of the 1950's. Her Testimony to Congress recorded the fact that in the 1930's, she assisted in getting faggots & Communists into the Clergy to destroy the church from within. The Freemasons & Communists had peneatrated the church. YOU must be atleast intellectually honest with yourself, set aside YOUR prejudices & make that distinction.

I have made it clear that WWII had more Protestant influences than Catholic. Also acknowledge the fact that under Pius XII, he helped saved 850k fleeing Jews.


Truthseeker84 6 points ago +9 / -3

Your claim is dubious & baseless. Bring FACT's to the Table. Debate or refute these facts:

A few Catholic, German Priests supported Hitler. The Vatican, Under Pius XII had contract hits out on Hitler, FACT.


The Church helped Jews escape the Holocaust & saved up to 800,000 European Jews. FACT.

Meanwhile, Protestantism had all of its fingersprints around the events that perpetrated Hitler & WWII.

You forget that Freemason FDR allowed WWII to happen. He even returned Refugee Jews back to Europe to be slaughtered.

▪️WASP elites like Grand-Papa Prescott Bush to do their banking, FACT.

▪️WASP Protestant English Royal Family was fully of Nazi's... FACT.

▪️Wasp & American Freemason Ford helped the war effort...FACT.

▪️Wasp IBM founder & American Freemason, Jay Watson provides the computers to Hitler..FACT.

▪️King Edward VIII, Queen E II Nazi home videos anyone? Satanic Zionist-Protestant Wasps began WWIII


You really need to do further research on your history books & also... get a more original username ;-)

Truthseeker84 9 points ago +16 / -7

The UK? That's rich... The Protestant Royal Family are a bunch of LUCIFARIAN's going all the way back to the depraved Monarch, King Richard VIII, the WITCH, Anne Boylin & her demonic spawn, Queen Elizabeth I. This is the source of the "Protestant" movement. You have been hoodwinked by the Secret Societies. martin Luther was a RoseCrutian, you misguided soul!

The U.K. Has given us Zionism, FreeMasonry, World Wars, Jimmy Savile, Maxwells, Epstiens... but you think this Satanic Empire are the good guys but the Vatican are the bad guys? Yikes!

Do some sincere research into the 300 year long war between SATANIC Freemasons & the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Truthseeker84 0 points ago +1 / -1

What’s with all the Doomers? Go to Patriots.win with your defeatist attitudes. I’d hate to be in a foxhole with you pussies.

Truthseeker84 0 points ago +1 / -1

LOL he passed SB2006, allowing the Gov’t can force quarantine & vaccination of Americans.

Did the media inform you of that? The Deepstate may “attack” their own assets, to Gardner the support of their false idol. They want to divide & conquer the Republican ticket.

Truthseeker84 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah… the same media that attacks Trump 24/7 gives Ron the red Carpet & you chock it up to petty jealousy? C’mon now, use some analytical bandwidth.

Ron is a RINO who came out of nowhere; his competition was a sodomite drug addict; yeah, real competition.

Truthseeker84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wanna know how many of us are INJF’s. I came across two users that had birthdays on November 8th… too eerie.

Truthseeker84 3 points ago +3 / -0

Orange became King of England after he ran a coup against King James II, who converted to Roman Catholicism the year prior.

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