I'm sure somewhere in the fine print is wording that none of these laws will apply to King Newson and his court of jesters. They are allowed to do as they please.
Is there any way we here innCO can stop giving almost 70% of our snow runoff water to Commifornia!? We have more snow in the Rockies than anywhere just about and the majority of it is sent to the Commies in CA. while we here are put on water restrictions and told to xeriscape EVERYTHING! FCK CA!
I'm sure somewhere in the fine print is wording that none of these laws will apply to King Newson and his court of jesters. They are allowed to do as they please.
NO DOUBT 🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥
• AB 1279: “The California Climate Crisis Act”
• AB 1389: “Clean Transportation Program: project funding preferences”
• AB 1749: “Community emissions reduction programs: toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants”
• AB 1857: “Solid waste”
• AB 1909: “Vehicles: bicycle omnibus bill”
• AB 2075: “Energy: electric vehicle charging standards”
• AB 2622: “Sales and use taxes: exemptions: California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project: transit buses”
• AB 2836: “Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program: vehicle registration fees: California tire fee”
• SB 529: “Electricity: electrical transmission facilities”
• SB 1063: “Energy: appliance standards and cost-effective measures”
• SB 1205: “Water rights: appropriation”
• SB 1230: “Zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicle incentive programs: requirements”
• SB 1322: “Energy: petroleum pricing”
• SB 1382: “Air pollution: Clean Cars 4 All Program: Sales and Use Tax Law: zero emissions vehicle exemption”
Is there any way we here innCO can stop giving almost 70% of our snow runoff water to Commifornia!? We have more snow in the Rockies than anywhere just about and the majority of it is sent to the Commies in CA. while we here are put on water restrictions and told to xeriscape EVERYTHING! FCK CA!
I glanced at that long list and realized I don't give a shit what Gruesome says. i can't wait until he gets dragged out of office.