posted ago by 5DWeBe ago by 5DWeBe +11 / -2

Ever heard the “conspiracy” that Jimi Hendrix reinvented himself as Morgan Freeman after faking his death? Yeah, me too. Never really gave it much thought until tonight when I was watching London has Fallen in preparation for the big day tomorrow.


  1. They really resemble each other.
  2. Jimmi Hendrix died, September 18th (today), 1970 in London.
  3. This movie has got me all sorts of excited for tomorrow, even though I’m equally prepared for nothing to happen.

Sorry, I’ve got to get back to watching the movie. All of this is easy to look up. The side by side comparisons of a Hendrix and Freeman are uncanny. Maybe we will wake up to something, maybe not, either way, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!