DH and I have Covid now. We both started taking ivermectin at the first sign of symptoms (he tested positive) anyway, we took .02 mg/kg instead of the .04 mg/kg treatment dose recommended by FLCCC just because that is what was prescribed for us.
We both felt better after the first dose and symptoms are gone feel 100% after our second dose.
I am wondering if we still need to do the full 5 days even though we both feel better?
We are also taking Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, Airborne, diluted iodine nose swabs, and aspirin. I also take Magnesium. My husband added NAC because he has a throat tickle cough.
Also, we opened all the windows in our house and we laid outside in the sunshine and fresh air as much as possible. We both felt a lot better being outside
Do the whole treatment. Ivermectin reduces viral replication. If you stop now you’re system will get overloaded again. The goal is to give your body enough time to respond on its own without being overwhelmed. It’s also a drug where it’s better to take more then less. It’s very hard to OD on ivermectin. Not medical advice.