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I usually only lurk here to see how things are moving along.
Sometimes I feel I have to log in to comment on something to help enlighten, but very rarely......
and almost always when it comes to the awfully embarrassing situation of seeing otherwise well informed anons who do their homework simply repeating or amplifying very old bankster created myths about Bitcoin - cringingly exposing that they have done zero homework and understand it not at all.
It is a sad state of affairs, much akin to trying to convince the 'fine people on both sides' crowd to simply dig a tad bit deeper before blindly carrying water for the LFL (Lying Fucking Liars).
Folks, Bitcoin is the primary weapon that we have to unseat the bankster scum from [their] sef appointed thrones, and NO it is NOT some sort of diGitAL aSseT that gets bought/sold/valued in terms of [their] fiat currency..... i could go on, But rather I would urge you to simply do your own research and learn to understand what Bitcoin is... the technology... how it functions.
Once you understand how it works, you will realize that all of these outdated 2014 era narratives you see popping up are based on beliefs that were put into you and that they are simply BELIEFS, there is no thing else behind them.
Don't trust.... verify.
Start by watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos explaining the technology itself, from there you will learn to understand the thing directly and how to directly observe and know the thing without ANY third party narrator (including Andreas).
But for now..... please refrain from amplifying false words coming from a place of zero knowledge.
It is seriously embarrassing and discredits the whole community.
To me, assuming zero knowledge is called being dismissive. If there's an opinion that is grounded in even fuzzy logic and worth concerning, its at least SOME knowledge. Regardless, its not worth investing into for most people, nor at this point even feasible lol. The value of commodities supercedes its worth. Bitcoin is basically worthless to anyone who won't accept it, as is any commodity that is not backed by at least something that has physical stature and can be fluidly traded. The only reason why we still use dollars is because of a "legal" institution in power (the Fed), that if returned power to the Treasury and began to mint its own currency, you have a much stronger commodity of value than you ever would any digital coin or blockchain style deposit (unless its blackmail of course). And that's how you REALLY stick it to the banks. End their chief of operations, the Fed. Edited for clarity
I'm sorry, but you are talking apples because you have been taught to view the orange as an apple.
HINT: Try to uncover where you picked up this assumption, this belief that Bitcoin is some sort of commodity?
Was it from understanding the technology behind bitcoin, how cryptography works, what decentralized actually means, or was it from reading and understanding the white paper......????
Or was it possibly that you kinda just picked that up unconsciously because it is in the interest of blood thirsty bankers in having the normies unquestioningly BELIEVE that Bitcoin is some sort of mOdeRn coMmoDitY, a diGiTAl aSseT..... etc.
Until you understand that Bitcoin is NOT a commodity, it is NOT an iNveStmENt or a get quick rich scheme and that by it's very nature it is defining the standard of what 'decentralized' can be, you will simply be floundering around in the dark with false premises and assumptions guiding you into further useful idiot water carrying for the banksters.
It is really embarrassing.
Meanwhile, this very day YOU (yes YOU personally) will be enabling the banksters in quenching [their] thirst for our children's blood by using [their] permissioned centralized fiat currency - the bit in your mouth by which [they] control your every moment.
My hands are clean. I saw a way of existing in this world where I exit from [their] system non-violently and simply STOP enabling [them] with every single transaction I make.
Study up.
You are waaaay behind.
I don't have to do shit faggot. Why don't you fuck off somewhere else rather than being such a pig ass elitist with the assumptions you are making? This isn't r/bitcoin, sorry to inform you.
Oh and just so you know, I know all of that already. Did you just show up on the fucking internet? Lol. It made sense in the time of Ron Paul running in 2008 to discuss it, but you grifters are fucking intolerable lol. Cry while holding the bag shill. IDC if you invest in it, but you're not going to create an account on here just to literally talk back.