Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like Monsanto did to farmers, applying their chema to kill off natural vegetation, in turn to introduce GMO seeds, taking farmers land by assault.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, when i was watching the presser about Stargate, i instantly thought of your reference. I am just a passer by fan of the show, but I'm also deeply interested in unknown history, especially esoteric and scientifically related phenomenon that we can only explain once we lift the veil of ignorance from the populace. Its not and never was any strange concept to think that there's been an adamant attempt at preventing knowledge and progress for humankind, spiritually too.

Good thing is, we're halfway there! And living on a prayer indeed.

Kunkussion 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is one of the last videos still up of an anon video posting a song rip, which featured images of of Trump's appearance on SNL making fun of Hotline Bling, that came out in 2016. No preview due to old algies, but its a great groove tune.

u/GGRockz thanks for the inspiration!

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right. The loneliness is brutal knowing everyone's yelling and fighting and misdirected all around you, while you look right at the issue and see it's simple solution.. knowing without them understanding, it could all mean nothing. But that's the reason for GAW and why it still hasn't completed, and may take even longer. The human consciousness has to be on the same level, regardless of opinion, if we are to stop devolving and truly progress

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lots of cameras are mirrorless now, so you don't hear the flopping shutter from an SLR style camera.

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad to see you posting again!

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not in particular, I've been doing a bit better since we talked, so allow a prayer for me to be for someone who doesn't realize they need it!

Kunkussion 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope you are doing well! I really appreciate the PMs from a while back. Keep fighting the good fight my friend.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the objective was to try to relate the DS misconduct in Ukraine and try to relate it to what happened in LA, in order to gaslight people.

Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. I can't lie when i say back in the days of vBulletin forum posting as a completely anonymous user, i misjudged tone, motive and sometimes the overall point of peoples insight on a topic. I still slip every now and then, and i'm not invulnerable to making a jump conclusion out of haste. As the Garfield meme goes, "you are not immune to propaganda", but i am attuned enough to know that we live in the world where the objective is never to tell the truth, but to discover the hidden message in between the lines.

Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try as they may, my level of retardation is impenetrable, lol. I may fracture here and there, but the glue that holds it all together is never giving. I guess that's in part due to my allegiance to God and no human on this earth.

Kunkussion 7 points ago +7 / -0

Theres a lot of clickbait in general. I'm really confused as to how we went to having the possibility of smart meters were the cause rather than a DEW or intentional arson by illegals and their criminal cohorts (and state sponsored groups like antifa), of which we have already had multiple examples of evidence of so. This entire event is a litmus test. Helene was more focused, and honestly much closer to the truth.

Kunkussion 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is bait. An electrical fire can't start unless you have a hot open inside the house or a grounding issue, and you don't need a smart meter for that. It's literally a meter, not an actuator. This is preying on the weak minded and using basic logic deduces this.

Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me since the towers fell in 2001. I was debating and getting screamed at in 7th grade for questioning what was happening. In 2007 I was in a college government class and made such a good argument that it pissed the professor off and I got sent out of class lol. Everyone was basically all in on Obama besides like 3 other people. I was Ron Paul with a bit of added conviction of the DS and MIC.

I agree. The efficiency of research has gotten much better. But to me and even those before me, we view the progress humbly, like looking at the stamp on an old overpass bridge built before the modern era that carried so many from a place of confusion and defeat to confidence and victory.

Kunkussion 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lol. Classic post. I always look forward to your Sunday Funnies. You have contributed greatly here and I want you to know that you are deeply appreciated

Kunkussion 0 points ago +2 / -2

There shouldn't be voting at all. There should be a vBulletin style board instead. The entire platform is ripe for abuse and has been the whole time, that's the whole point of Reddit style forums. I've talked about it so much that I've just gave up. I much prefer the style of old days where you had the ability to learn so much more without having emotions evolved, because no one cared about that at all. Down voting should be judging the content of a post, not an opinion of it. But that's what its going to always be.

Posts should be rated on a star scale of sorts, and scrolling psychology should be eliminated. Users should have a number of years below their name, and the voting should be only available on their personal profile. You should even have the ability to have your own posts and any other content on a separate page too. I'm more than willing to have a roundtable about how to implement these things. Ive done a bit of research already.

And for God's sake, split the main board into subs so we can keep topics separate!!!!

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