I'm a retired Chief Petty Officer. I served 22 years honorably in the US Navy all of it as a P3 Orion flight engineer. I am rated at the 100% Permanently & Totally disabled rating in 2004. In May 2017 on my 60th birthday I was in a severe car accident. Thirty-one days after the accident the VAMC Hospital Chief of Staff illegally had 2/3s of my holistic pain management care taken away from me in an effort to try and get me to eat a bullet for him. I'd had differences with him before so I knew he was up to no good. I was right because later on I was intentionally tortured by that very government employee who was running the VA Medical Center hospital. Let that sink in people.
But instead of committing suicide for him, which was never an option for me because I've had some of the most elite military training in existence and I will never eat a bullet for anyone; instead I documented the months of excruciating torture that he intentionally caused me in real time. I also got access to his emails via FOIA proving this was done on purpose and they were accidentally sent to me unredacted. That makes the information admissible in court and it is direct irrefutable evidence, not hearsay. It took almost a year to get all the evidence documented and collated to establish my case of attempted murder and subsequent cover up and almost another year to get the Judicial attention my case deserves. I also exposed the entire VA Office of Medical Investigators in Washington D.C. at VA Headquarters. Pretty sure they helped cover everything up too. We shall see as they are supposedly being investigated as well. My case involves DOZENS of people.
During my data gathering and search process for evidence, I also proved the entire Board of Medicine in the State of NH is corrupt as well. That's because the VAMC Chief of Staff I reported who tried to murder me was the supervisor for the Board of Medicine President and the Board of Medicine Secretary when they worked at the VA hospital doing adjunct medical work there. They all knew each other. The President and Secretary on the NH Board Of Medicine were his subordinates and he was their supervisor while they worked there because he ran the hospital when they volunteered there. Instead of recusing themselves and reporting the felonious activity to the FBI, the entire NH Board of Medicine voted unanimously to seal the case and say nothing to see here and protect the Chief of Staff who tried to kill me instead of protecting an American Warrior. Four years ago I sat down with the FBI and NH/DOJ investigators at the FBI Bedford, NH Field Office a couple of weeks after contacting NH Deputy AG Jane Young with direct evidence proving to her the entire Board of Medicine is corrupt and all 10 of the Board Members voted unanimously to commit Obstruction of Justice and Misprision of Felony. After that NH/DAG Jane Young referred my case to Geoffrey Ward who is Chief of the Criminal Justice Bureau in NH and she also referred my case to the Jeffery Strelzin who is the Head of the Homicide Division in NH.
Since that happened nobody has been indicted, no Grand Jury has been convened. Nothing at all seems to be happening with my case. The sad thing is about 19 months ago I was attacked by VA employees again, but this time it was by the hands of my own VA doctor after did what he was told to do when he was ordered by VA Administrators to cut my holistic pain management care dramatically again. I documented all of that while being tortured a second time for months on end as well and I reported it all to the FBI. I did not report that second incident to the NH/DOJ because the VA does not come under State DOJ jurisdiction and there was no need for a joint investigation the second time VA tried to kill me and cover it up. They did get sloppy though because I now can prove with their own documentation that I got a medical consult cutting off my care, then got four more consults to try and hide that fact. Their problem is I also have all of my medical record notes. Any time a medical consult is created there are always clinical medical notes justifying that consult and care order. So I ask the FBI in my evidence package, "How does a Veteran get five illegal consults in their medical record that cuts off said care then hides it with administrative trickery when there are no clinical notes in my records for any of them?" These people are so stupid and arrogant they think they can do what they want and nobody will find out so they got sloppy and made serious mistakes and I caught them all. The only reason the first case is a joint investigation is because the NH Board of Medicine was involved in colluding with VA personnel at the hospital. The VA and our own government has and is now ATTEMPTING TO & KILLING AMERICAN VETERANS & THEN THEY COVER IT UP!
I gave an oath to defend the Constitution. Before I sat down with the FBI and NH/DOJ agents/investigators I had sent them over 100 emails with attachments of irrefutable direct evidence. They had printed out every bit of my evidence I had emailed to them and had it stacked up on the table between us when one of them asked me, "Why did you do all of this?"
The very first words out of my mouth back to her were, " BECAUSE I AM DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION!"
My case is so convoluted with so many government criminals involved that a former Acting VA Secretary is involved in the cover up on the federal side and so is the entire NH Board of Medicine and possibly many others in the VA Office of Medical Inspectors. We shall see.
One of the Doctors on the NH Board of Medicine is an extremely wealthy surgeon who lives right on the ocean in a multimillion dollar home and politically well connected in my State. So what do you think the chances are my case has been swept under the rug? Now you know why so many Veterans are committing suicide. Government administrators are covering up the real numbers of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines they are killing; all while getting rich doing it with our tax dollars drawing their huge annual salaries and bonuses.
"I AM" an American Warrior! And before "I AM" done they are going to all wish they had never heard my name. "I AM" not done defending the Constitution and I never will be, no matter what they do to me. I will always get back up and come kick their butts with the Power of the Constitution. I know that Power within me because I was in the Light and my story is in this Johns Hopkins University article you can read about for yourself here for free. https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/
The Light is coming, and nobody can stop It. Nobody. Not even the FBI, nor the DOJ; nor anyone working at the VA or anyone on the NH Board of Medicine. If they knew what I Know they would treat all Veterans like God intended. They would Love us. But they don't know how badly they have harmed themselves in the process.
Forgive them Father for they Know not what they do.
I forgive them too. But if God picked me to be His instrument of Love that will bring all of those people who did this to me and are doing to Veterans across America their Love lessons then "I AM" blessed for it. "I AM" also eternally grateful I was chosen for this mission to bring all of them their individual Love lessons God has planned for them. "I AM" humbled to have had an opportunity to serve my God in this manner and to serve my fellow Veterans affected by all of this as well as trying to protect all NH Citizens from a corrupt government. Please pray that all involved in this situation get the Love lessons they deserve. That includes praying for me so I get mine too.
Please note I do not resent any of these people. In fact I Loved them all so much that I did not commit the suicide they intended for me and instead did the things that needed to be done in an honorable manner, then tried to report it all to the authorities in the hopes everyone involved gets their Justice on this side of the veil. Ultimately I know it is not a requirement that I get real Justice while alive in the here and now because I Know that God has a form of Divine Justice none of them are prepared for. I forgive them for they Know not what they have done to themselves and will learn first hand all about it during their own Life review one day. So they don't know that, but I do; so I forgive them for it. But, they aren't going to like it at all.
In the Light we are all One and there is no such thing as separation. What we do to One we do to everyone and most assuredly and especially to our own self. All will be compelled into a state of Divine Perfection by the Power of the Great Cosmic Light that is far beyond the comprehension of mankind.
Thank you for your prayers my friend. I shall pray for you as well.
I'm a retired Chief Petty Officer. I served 22 years honorably in the US Navy all of it as a P3 Orion flight engineer. I am rated at the 100% Permanently & Totally disabled rating in 2004. In May 2017 on my 60th birthday I was in a severe car accident. Thirty-one days after the accident the VAMC Hospital Chief of Staff illegally had 2/3s of my holistic pain management care taken away from me in an effort to try and get me to eat a bullet for him. I'd had differences with him before so I knew he was up to no good. I was right because later on I was intentionally tortured by that very government employee who was running the VA Medical Center hospital. Let that sink in people.
But instead of committing suicide for him, which was never an option for me because I've had some of the most elite military training in existence and I will never eat a bullet for anyone; instead I documented the months of excruciating torture that he intentionally caused me in real time. I also got access to his emails via FOIA proving this was done on purpose and they were accidentally sent to me unredacted. That makes the information admissible in court and it is direct irrefutable evidence, not hearsay. It took almost a year to get all the evidence documented and collated to establish my case of attempted murder and subsequent cover up and almost another year to get the Judicial attention my case deserves. I also exposed the entire VA Office of Medical Investigators in Washington D.C. at VA Headquarters. Pretty sure they helped cover everything up too. We shall see as they are supposedly being investigated as well. My case involves DOZENS of people.
During my data gathering and search process for evidence, I also proved the entire Board of Medicine in the State of NH is corrupt as well. That's because the VAMC Chief of Staff I reported who tried to murder me was the supervisor for the Board of Medicine President and the Board of Medicine Secretary when they worked at the VA hospital doing adjunct medical work there. They all knew each other. The President and Secretary on the NH Board Of Medicine were his subordinates and he was their supervisor while they worked there because he ran the hospital when they volunteered there. Instead of recusing themselves and reporting the felonious activity to the FBI, the entire NH Board of Medicine voted unanimously to seal the case and say nothing to see here and protect the Chief of Staff who tried to kill me instead of protecting an American Warrior. Four years ago I sat down with the FBI and NH/DOJ investigators at the FBI Bedford, NH Field Office a couple of weeks after contacting NH Deputy AG Jane Young with direct evidence proving to her the entire Board of Medicine is corrupt and all 10 of the Board Members voted unanimously to commit Obstruction of Justice and Misprision of Felony. After that NH/DAG Jane Young referred my case to Geoffrey Ward who is Chief of the Criminal Justice Bureau in NH and she also referred my case to the Jeffery Strelzin who is the Head of the Homicide Division in NH.
Since that happened nobody has been indicted, no Grand Jury has been convened. Nothing at all seems to be happening with my case. The sad thing is about 19 months ago I was attacked by VA employees again, but this time it was by the hands of my own VA doctor after did what he was told to do when he was ordered by VA Administrators to cut my holistic pain management care dramatically again. I documented all of that while being tortured a second time for months on end as well and I reported it all to the FBI. I did not report that second incident to the NH/DOJ because the VA does not come under State DOJ jurisdiction and there was no need for a joint investigation the second time VA tried to kill me and cover it up. They did get sloppy though because I now can prove with their own documentation that I got a medical consult cutting off my care, then got four more consults to try and hide that fact. Their problem is I also have all of my medical record notes. Any time a medical consult is created there are always clinical medical notes justifying that consult and care order. So I ask the FBI in my evidence package, "How does a Veteran get five illegal consults in their medical record that cuts off said care then hides it with administrative trickery when there are no clinical notes in my records for any of them?" These people are so stupid and arrogant they think they can do what they want and nobody will find out so they got sloppy and made serious mistakes and I caught them all. The only reason the first case is a joint investigation is because the NH Board of Medicine was involved in colluding with VA personnel at the hospital. The VA and our own government has and is now ATTEMPTING TO & KILLING AMERICAN VETERANS & THEN THEY COVER IT UP!
I gave an oath to defend the Constitution. Before I sat down with the FBI and NH/DOJ agents/investigators I had sent them over 100 emails with attachments of irrefutable direct evidence. They had printed out every bit of my evidence I had emailed to them and had it stacked up on the table between us when one of them asked me, "Why did you do all of this?" The very first words out of my mouth back to her were, " BECAUSE I AM DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION!"
My case is so convoluted with so many government criminals involved that a former Acting VA Secretary is involved in the cover up on the federal side and so is the entire NH Board of Medicine and possibly many others in the VA Office of Medical Inspectors. We shall see.
One of the Doctors on the NH Board of Medicine is an extremely wealthy surgeon who lives right on the ocean in a multimillion dollar home and politically well connected in my State. So what do you think the chances are my case has been swept under the rug? Now you know why so many Veterans are committing suicide. Government administrators are covering up the real numbers of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines they are killing; all while getting rich doing it with our tax dollars drawing their huge annual salaries and bonuses.
"I AM" an American Warrior! And before "I AM" done they are going to all wish they had never heard my name. "I AM" not done defending the Constitution and I never will be, no matter what they do to me. I will always get back up and come kick their butts with the Power of the Constitution. I know that Power within me because I was in the Light and my story is in this Johns Hopkins University article you can read about for yourself here for free. https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/
The Light is coming, and nobody can stop It. Nobody. Not even the FBI, nor the DOJ; nor anyone working at the VA or anyone on the NH Board of Medicine. If they knew what I Know they would treat all Veterans like God intended. They would Love us. But they don't know how badly they have harmed themselves in the process.
Forgive them Father for they Know not what they do.
I forgive them too. But if God picked me to be His instrument of Love that will bring all of those people who did this to me and are doing to Veterans across America their Love lessons then "I AM" blessed for it. "I AM" also eternally grateful I was chosen for this mission to bring all of them their individual Love lessons God has planned for them. "I AM" humbled to have had an opportunity to serve my God in this manner and to serve my fellow Veterans affected by all of this as well as trying to protect all NH Citizens from a corrupt government. Please pray that all involved in this situation get the Love lessons they deserve. That includes praying for me so I get mine too.
Please note I do not resent any of these people. In fact I Loved them all so much that I did not commit the suicide they intended for me and instead did the things that needed to be done in an honorable manner, then tried to report it all to the authorities in the hopes everyone involved gets their Justice on this side of the veil. Ultimately I know it is not a requirement that I get real Justice while alive in the here and now because I Know that God has a form of Divine Justice none of them are prepared for. I forgive them for they Know not what they have done to themselves and will learn first hand all about it during their own Life review one day. So they don't know that, but I do; so I forgive them for it. But, they aren't going to like it at all.
God bless America!
...what a horror story...
...you will be in my prayers Patriot...
...the wheels of God grind slowly....
...but they grind exceedingly fine....
In the Light we are all One and there is no such thing as separation. What we do to One we do to everyone and most assuredly and especially to our own self. All will be compelled into a state of Divine Perfection by the Power of the Great Cosmic Light that is far beyond the comprehension of mankind.
Thank you for your prayers my friend. I shall pray for you as well.