the lizard part of the story might be that these individuals might have more of a reptilian brain than some other humans. Reptiles are well adapted to survival regardless of what they have to do. Now imagine a human with a reptilian-like brain, the evil these people can be capable of all in their self-interest. I have seen mammals protect other animals, and have yet see reptilians show the same compassion and care for other life, they only care about their offspring. Another crazier theory I have is that maybe, the reptilians are just higher dimensional beings who can manifest bodies for themselves in order to take form in this universe we exist in. Think of the serpent in the garden, why did satan choose a serpent body? Think of the fallen angels who made bodies for themselves in order to have sex with women, and in the process corrupted the seed of adam. I try to put biblical accounts in a more possible view, in order to better understand what was written at the time that it was. There is a reason some secrets would only be revealed to future generations, those with eyes to interpret the visions. Red dragon? China, Fallen Angels, and demons? ET. New world order? the beast system and the reign of the antichrist before the return of Jesus Christ.
i think David is one of theirs, Diana was killed, Bill Cooper was killed, Why are Jones and David still alive? clowns.
This. Says just enough confirmable stuff to get noticed, then throws in a lizard or two to poison the well.
the lizard part of the story might be that these individuals might have more of a reptilian brain than some other humans. Reptiles are well adapted to survival regardless of what they have to do. Now imagine a human with a reptilian-like brain, the evil these people can be capable of all in their self-interest. I have seen mammals protect other animals, and have yet see reptilians show the same compassion and care for other life, they only care about their offspring. Another crazier theory I have is that maybe, the reptilians are just higher dimensional beings who can manifest bodies for themselves in order to take form in this universe we exist in. Think of the serpent in the garden, why did satan choose a serpent body? Think of the fallen angels who made bodies for themselves in order to have sex with women, and in the process corrupted the seed of adam. I try to put biblical accounts in a more possible view, in order to better understand what was written at the time that it was. There is a reason some secrets would only be revealed to future generations, those with eyes to interpret the visions. Red dragon? China, Fallen Angels, and demons? ET. New world order? the beast system and the reign of the antichrist before the return of Jesus Christ.