Client at Adult Daycare "abused sexually by relative" investisgation just started.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
I just strarted working in an Adult daycare Facility. And found out one of our Clients is being "abused sexually" . I immediately reported it to my Admin. Whom of course reported to all proper channels. Now a big investigation is going on. We both, along with the client got questioned today by investigators. We are very adiment about this person safety! Have any of you frens been through this? This is my first time. How can i help my client? They are high functioning mentally challenged. Also, how can my admin and i keep ourselves safe? All advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Very true. The client had admittedly told the previous admin and aide, unbeknownst to myself or the new administration nurse. Until I reported it. Then, all this info came out that it had been going on for smh, crying, can't sleep, a long time. I'm so mad, upset etc... and beyond! As you can imagine.
So the daycare did a previous investigation already? But they didn’t get rid of the assailant?
No, this is the first time it's been reported! I did My Job! My Admin did hers! The previous Did NOT! Now there is a big investigation! Thanks to moi!