As referendums continue in some of the regions of Eastern Ukraine, Russian soldiers apparently busted a sabatogue group...which had fake ballots (garbage bags full of them).
So interestingly, Ukrainians are also trying to plan disruptions at the polling stations.
The referendum will be going on for a few days, so this might be a good one to watch or keep track of considering some of the plots by the Ukranians seemed eerily similar to the Democrats in the 2020 election. And wouldn't marshall law (war, pandemic) entail soliders are used for the election? So this might be worthwhile to monitor given the midterms are coming up in about a month.
As referendums continue in some of the regions of Eastern Ukraine, Russian soldiers apparently busted a sabatogue group...which had fake ballots (garbage bags full of them).
So interestingly, Ukrainians are also trying to plan disruptions at the polling stations.
The referendum will be going on for a few days, so this might be a good one to watch or keep track of considering some of the plots by the Ukranians seemed eerily similar to the Democrats in the 2020 election. And wouldn't marshall law (war, pandemic) entail soliders are used for the election? So this might be worthwhile to monitor given the midterms are coming up in about a month.
Video is on Intel Slava's telegram channel: