Need research help! Important!!! Please!!!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’m pouring through everything I possibly can and coming up short. I could use some of your research help! Can you help me find studies or any literature that is showing a link between the death jab and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). My now x wife vaxed my kids against my wishes. They all 3 had adverse reactions. My beautiful 13 y/o daughter stopped having her period right after her vax a year and a half ago and was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS. Now Docs are saying there is no link, but I know they are full of shit. Her problems began right after the poisonous vax.
Please help me find any info or studies showing a link! Please!
The vax was designed to maim, sterilize, cull, and transform. This is the true meaning behind the trans gender movement. It is a precursor to the trans human movement they have planned for their version of the fourth industrial revolution. The vaxs are just the beginning. The edible vaccines you'll hear about in the next two years will be the workhorse of the transformation. I made several videos on it.
Ozthentic is correct. Your job now is to do everything you can to stem the effects of the spike protein till a cure for the damage is finally reached. Probably two plus years from now. We have to go through a good bit of the storm before we get to that point but there will be a cure for this damage.
Sorry, edible vaccines?
Yes, I made a video about it months ago. A plethora of research is easy to find on Google. They can program plants to produce anything they want. Using plasmids in something called agro infiltration. Edible vaccines will be a major part of the transformation. COVID vax is just the beginning.
Yes Bill Gates Of Hell wants us to ingest our vaxxies through our lettuce!