Need research help! Important!!! Please!!!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’m pouring through everything I possibly can and coming up short. I could use some of your research help! Can you help me find studies or any literature that is showing a link between the death jab and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). My now x wife vaxed my kids against my wishes. They all 3 had adverse reactions. My beautiful 13 y/o daughter stopped having her period right after her vax a year and a half ago and was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS. Now Docs are saying there is no link, but I know they are full of shit. Her problems began right after the poisonous vax.
Please help me find any info or studies showing a link! Please!
Imho [based on past reading/research] in general that viruses are actually parasites and/or reduce our ability to resist parasites and that weaponised diseases and vxs introduce these things to our bodies, which multiply because our resistance is impaired. Seems to be supported by Springer's statement "First, it is important to note that infectious and parasitic diseases are interconnected." and he goes on with quite a bit of info.
Amenorrhea is the term for no menstrual period, a possible sign of impaired function--infertility or even sterility.
Description of PCOS PCOS can be caused by parasites
Demodex may be associated with PCOS Demodex folliculorum in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [pdf] European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences - Demodex folliculorum in polycystic ovary syndrome patients, D. BENK et al Demodex is spindle shaped ... hmm so is 'spike protein' Good general background Reducing the burden of parasites and colonizers is recognized as assistive to healing. Spike proteins act like parasites. Ivermectin and other parasite killers work against weaponized coronavirus and mRNA injections, so may help. Cancer incidence has exploded and many conditions labelled "cancer" also involve parasites [ex any disease ending in "sis" like leishmaniasis]. Good sites: sciencedirect, researchgate, and pubmed/ncbi