Hear me out in this early bird thought of mine
You're an eugenicist, you only want the physically best amongst humans to survive (exceptions made for the fat, rotten, adrenochrome-guzzling billionaires that bankroll you and their more-inbred-than-the-House-of-Hapsburg-living-in-Alabama families of course)
So you make up a drug to kill and sterilize as much people as possible, and the mockingbird media and the jackboots will do their part to force as many as possible to take it.
Aaaaaand it's killing young, athletic and perfectly healthy individuals while the 400-lb neon-haired SJW's with a permanent double IV drip of Ben'n'Jerries and the malnourished vegan soyboys are still out there.
Makes even less of a sense if you're a white supremacist, in which case the shots should be completely decimating places like South America, South-East Asia, China and India.
What gives ?
Death is one one facet of this. It's more about control. The vax addicts can't wait for the next jab to come out. They love it they also love wearing a mask everywhere, and actually long for "lock downs". They watch msm on TV, and eat it up online. They're alos addicted to social media which is nothing but a means of control. They're slaves to the false narrative and by God they HATE you! Why? Because the MSM told them to. The big problem with this grand plan of the deep state is way to many people didn't fall for it and push back was more than they could handle. They wanted all of us to be vax addicts with our digital vaccine passports and beg to be controlled.
Nevermind one group that's rarely mentioned: those who didn't want to get the shot, but got cornered and ran completely out of options to resist it. I don't think they're exactly happy with the mandates or with the possible health issues.