Hear me out in this early bird thought of mine
You're an eugenicist, you only want the physically best amongst humans to survive (exceptions made for the fat, rotten, adrenochrome-guzzling billionaires that bankroll you and their more-inbred-than-the-House-of-Hapsburg-living-in-Alabama families of course)
So you make up a drug to kill and sterilize as much people as possible, and the mockingbird media and the jackboots will do their part to force as many as possible to take it.
Aaaaaand it's killing young, athletic and perfectly healthy individuals while the 400-lb neon-haired SJW's with a permanent double IV drip of Ben'n'Jerries and the malnourished vegan soyboys are still out there.
Makes even less of a sense if you're a white supremacist, in which case the shots should be completely decimating places like South America, South-East Asia, China and India.
What gives ?
Nature imposes a certain order on them but it does the same with animal species. Get caught in a hurricane or tornado, and you die. Don't eat, and you die. Swim with sharks, and you die. Simple.
But we humans were made to be a higher order, one that answers not only to nature but to God as well. That is why God gave us free will, a brain to think and ponder with, to understand His many blessings, and a lifetime to come to trust Him.
But the history of the past century up to today has been one of either denying that God exists, or replacing God with other gods -- the State, the dictator, the Environment -- with rather dismal results for those cultists. And yet they keep coming up with inadequate substitutes.
Today a new phenomenon has emerged, a near worship of unnatural sex roles and "gender" dysphoria. We live in a sick and fallen world. What these latter day sexually confused people all have in common (although they might deny it) is that their entire reality is built around GENITALS.
Now genitals is an odd thing to build a belief system upon, but there you have it. Their entire raison d'etre boils down to "an innie or an outie"....a vagina or a penis, or the desire to have the one they weren't born with.
When seen in its simplest form, their entire LGBT-trans agenda seems downright silly.