My family was poor, but my mom always had a hot meal for dinner, anything from fried bologna and eggs, spam and eggs, meatloaf, greenbeans and mashed taters, and on Fridays it was always bread pudding made from the leftover bread from the past week. Please list your cheap but delicious meals your mom served you. As the economy falters many of us will be serving those tasty meals of the past.
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Homemade mac and cheese, mashed potatoes that got turned into potatoe cakes the next night if not all were eaten, kinda rare but did happen. Green beans always fresh during the summer and during the winter it was what was canned during the growing season, along with so much more. Summers were and still are wonderful with all the fresh vegetables and even fruits from our trees and vines. We canned then and still can, make jams and even soups for winter. We had eggs from chickens, I still have a few for eggs. We made our own butter and cheeses too. I don't do that now because I have no cow but have been looking at getting goats. Deer meat too which I don't have much of now but at least know how to hunt. I was so lucky to have grown up during the 70s and 80s in the country. Wish life was like that now.