💥 The “National Intelligence Manager for Aviation” office of the Air Force rolled out a new logo over the weekend.
What do you see?
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https://www.airdomainintelligence.mil/ HT to Jordan Sather 👍🇺🇸
Of course, Jordan Sather (whose writings I often like) is also an alumnus of James Gilliland's Eceti Ranch, which introduces some inescapably problematical aspects to this whole ET/space subject. Not to mention that merely being from a military official these days, does not guarantee Truth is being presented to us.
Enter the Lionsgate.
The question of Life elsewhere in the cosmos is one of THE most hot-button topics in existence, being both quasi-religious and powerfully archetypal. Whoever manages to mold and control that narrative could wield immense power. Just look what damage they wreaked with 'covid', just a supposed Earth based virus.
So the cabal has been covertly trying to wrest control of this subject for generations. For a crude mid-20th century example, just look at the faked 'alien abduction'/mk Betty and Barney Hill psyop of 1961 (cf. 'The Interrupted Journey, by John G. Fuller).
It looks really hokey and shady now. Imagine the 'Zeta Reticulans' helpfully providing a 2-D star map with their solar system in the background (as seen from Earth, no less) for Barney to conveniently glimpse!
In his last years, Wernher von Braun repeatedly warned of a planned 'False Flag from Outer Space'. To prep the masses for this, subliminal fears of 'evil demonic aliens' had to be stoked in every nefarious way, to plausibly trot out these ETs as the Enemy Baddies for this ultimate false flag (er, or was that those Ultra-Maga Deplorables? We need a scorecard.)
So we need to come together as One World to defeat them!!!!!!!! And eat our bugs (before their Bugs/Reptilians/Soulless Greys eat us!)
So what is problematical about Eceti is that whenever people of good will gather publicly to 'contact extraterrestrial life' - they may also comprise an ideal Petrie dish situation for weaponised psychotronic (and mk-ultra type) experimentation and manipulation.
'Ooooh, look at that highly evolved Rainbow ship, hovering over us! Full of goodness & light Pleadian blondes! I read about them online!' But as Freud might say, sometimes a cigar-shaped space ship is just a cigar(?:)
Anyway, that's not to discount whatever valid experiences there may be.
However the bottom line seems to be to proceed with caution around all things ET. We'd probably do well to assume there's been tons of misinformation deliberately mingled into this subject, and over our entire lifetimes.
Also with 'QAnon' becoming a media target, any ET issues could be used to discredit and negatively project certain irrational belief systems onto 'Q/Maga Nazis'.
So we should optimally keep our Q comms discussions and research separate and clear of entanglement with all the various/complex alien theories and narratives circulating.
Vice News claims UFO & QAnon Connection is Disinformation
I agree. UFO topic is the main reason I went through all the crumbs myself. That helped me learn about the rest. That guy sounds like CNN saying, these emails are illegal for you to have, you can hear about it from us, because we are journalists and not illegal for us! Same logic.