Where are YOU in the Q-universe? Here, in the attack submarine at the bottom! It's cramped. Smells. And hard work! You live on C-rations and you have AUTISTIC FROGS for bunkmates! But only WE get to engage the enemy, night after night. And we have F*CKING NUKES. Y'all ready for Red October???
☢️ LET'S GOOoOoOo ☢️

CORRECT! LOL, so the guy that's been modding Greatawakening (here, formerly on Reddit before we were banned), for free, for seven years straight so far, and who was a BLOCK away from 9/11, who lived in America for 25 years, hates America? Ahaha. Blue Jays are going to win it all. But, I'm more American than you, fag.
DEATH BY COP, okay, I guess.