Gonzalo Lira deducts: https://rumble.com/v1lor3t-2022-09-27-the-americans-declared-war-on-europe.html (13 min)
Victory Nuland declared Nordstream will be stopped when Russia goes after biolabs, on January 27th: https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1486818088016355336?s=19
Basement dummy repeated that on February 7th on ABC News.
Sorry, pepes, to me, THIS is the precipice for Europe. At the same time, the storm is upon Florida! :(
I have been doing a little digging on this as the timing is too perfect. And I also have been wondering why they are down playing explosions as just sabotage.
Just looking into the companies controlling this new pipeline and I find one parent company, PGNiG. Of course they have a branch in Ukraine. Not sure if there's any significance there but will see if I can dig anything else up.
Russia takes Ukraine Nordstream destroyed Baltic Pipeline opens
All within 48 hours?