Gonzalo Lira deducts: https://rumble.com/v1lor3t-2022-09-27-the-americans-declared-war-on-europe.html (13 min)
Victory Nuland declared Nordstream will be stopped when Russia goes after biolabs, on January 27th: https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1486818088016355336?s=19
Basement dummy repeated that on February 7th on ABC News.
Sorry, pepes, to me, THIS is the precipice for Europe. At the same time, the storm is upon Florida! :(
I haven’t seen anyone mention Chyna. They have subs and the means to do it. For them it’s a perfect crime. Nobody expects them to be involved. Russia suspects the US and the US suspects Russia. It blunts Europe as an economic powerhouse and weakens NATO. It takes the focus off Taiwan, too.
Payback for being blamed for COVID perhaps.