Their hands are always in our pockets - they just change their cardboard signs from time to time. REALLY! Instead of trying to find solutions to avoid a nuclear incident - they instead go right for money. Every goal of the Brandon administration is to fatten their wallets and they do it without remorse. Sickening.
The country is being run by rival gangs, and deals with rival gangs. If you know gangs, you know how it ends. The difference is gangs don't always have nukes and bombers.
Their hands are always in our pockets - they just change their cardboard signs from time to time. REALLY! Instead of trying to find solutions to avoid a nuclear incident - they instead go right for money. Every goal of the Brandon administration is to fatten their wallets and they do it without remorse. Sickening.
The country is being run by rival gangs, and deals with rival gangs. If you know gangs, you know how it ends. The difference is gangs don't always have nukes and bombers.