The shitstorm that would ensue would be unfathomable. Everything here, and I'm sure in Europe too, is hooked up to the internet. Hospitals, logistics, energy, transportation, you name it. Shit, the power went out at the hospital after my ex wife had a gruesomely botched C-section and they didn't bring her pain meds for 10 hours after they were supposed to, and I had to track the nurse down ( I had to work). Nothing was backed up on paper or otherwise. Nothing. Shit, I'm going out to get more emergency food tomorrow first thing. Fuck this shit
and when it inevitably turns back on, the bitcoin is back.
if american internet was isolated, we'd still be able to use bitcoin in the connected networks. hell, even if russia isolated itself internet-wise entirely, the users in the russian networks would still be able to use bitcoin.
this is the power of it, no one can take the coins from you, even if the grid goes down temporarily
Whenever my mom found old medical or anatomy books at yard sales and just put the on the shelf. She said, you never know. I have used some a little to reset a broken pinky, the hosp had set it a little off and when I stretched rebroke. I got a much better job, but I doubt I could do surgery unless I knew without a doubt that I could do any good. Some of the first c-sections on humans were done by vets that had to do it more often.
The shitstorm that would ensue would be unfathomable. Everything here, and I'm sure in Europe too, is hooked up to the internet. Hospitals, logistics, energy, transportation, you name it. Shit, the power went out at the hospital after my ex wife had a gruesomely botched C-section and they didn't bring her pain meds for 10 hours after they were supposed to, and I had to track the nurse down ( I had to work). Nothing was backed up on paper or otherwise. Nothing. Shit, I'm going out to get more emergency food tomorrow first thing. Fuck this shit
This is why I don't use bit coin
And the switch goes click off...what Bitcoin?
Yep, the stuff in my hand is good until it is TP
and when it inevitably turns back on, the bitcoin is back.
if american internet was isolated, we'd still be able to use bitcoin in the connected networks. hell, even if russia isolated itself internet-wise entirely, the users in the russian networks would still be able to use bitcoin.
this is the power of it, no one can take the coins from you, even if the grid goes down temporarily
Whenever my mom found old medical or anatomy books at yard sales and just put the on the shelf. She said, you never know. I have used some a little to reset a broken pinky, the hosp had set it a little off and when I stretched rebroke. I got a much better job, but I doubt I could do surgery unless I knew without a doubt that I could do any good. Some of the first c-sections on humans were done by vets that had to do it more often.