So here me out. This is a thought and epiphany that came to me a while back while reading a post on here about high school kids being bribed with extra credit and actual money to protest on behalf of "trans rights". Since then I've seen several other things on here and social media that have made me ruminate on this, and it just keeps nagging at me. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to me, so I figured I'd try and put it into words and post it on here for others to discuss.
I don't think everyone is going to wake up like a lot of us think. People are tribal by nature. It's in our DNA. Whether you believe in evolution or you're a creationist, Tribalism is in our history and it's part of what makes us Human. We LIKE being with likeminded people. We LIKE being around others who have similar beliefs, morals, hobbies, feelings, etc.
It's human nature to seek out those who are similar to you. Likewise, A LOT of people, the majority in fact, have a general "sheep-ish" mentality. They like going with the crowd. Whatever is "popular" is what they base their beliefs and opinions on. This is also human nature. By going with the crowd, you ensure you have the largest "tribe" to group up with It's a herd mentality. It's how the lockdowns and everything else happened a few years ago, despite it seeming so crazy at the time.
This is true even on here. Everyone on here has their little "sub groups" where they're VERY passionate about something to the point that opposing "sub groups" start getting angry and infighting. I'm not trying to start something again, but think about the whole gay fiasco a few weeks ago. I refuse to back down an anything I said during it, and I stand by what I said. We need a slav bloc style ban on gay propaganda, advertising, and public speaking. What happens behind closed doors is between them and God, but the public square needs to be cleaned up if we're to return to our roots as a Christian Nation under God and for God.
But I digress. Even on here, we have our own little tribes we break up into based on our very passionate personal morals and beliefs. That's the point I was trying to make. So if even we can't fully break the tribal mentality, then what hope do normies have?
Simple, they don't have a hope of fully waking up.
So we're never going to wake the majority of people up to the extent we all are. WE ARE THE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE*. We're abnormal in that we don't care what others think. We just do what we want and let everyone think we're crazy. Most people aren't like this.
I'm sure everyone has that family member or friend that constantly flip flops. One day they seem open to what you're telling them, almost like they're waking up. And then the next day they're back to parroting MSM propaganda at you. Or you know someone who actually IS based IRL, but is afraid to be open about it in public out of fear of the backlash it'll cause to their image or personal life.
We all know people like this. And these people are never going to wake up to the level we have. They're never going to pour hours, days, weeks, months, even years into independent research. They're not going to sit down and watch a 10+ hour documentary on the history of the cabal. They're not going to make autistic connects between vague hints in the posts of moderately famous people. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO FULLY WAKE UP.
So why is not entirely a loss for our side? Well it's simple. WE ARE THE MAJORITY. There are more people on our side than the leftist cabal's side. Remember, 90%+ of the lefts support is entirely manufactured by the cabal machine. The NGOs and other funding apparatuses fund protestors, and "activists" who are the same few thousand people they bus all over the country. The schools and colleges incentivize students to do the same with extra credit, better grades, and some times monetary benefits in the form of scholarships. Fake statistic companies create false polls and studies that push whatever narrative they're wanting to "make reality". And of course, the media blowing EVERYTHING out of proportion by giving things more coverage than they should, and even just outright lying about things to get what they want.
Take away all the funding, incentives, and media coverage, and what's left? A broken shell of the left that has MAYBE a few million legitimate followers across the entire country. So, what's left for the sheeple to latch onto?
The Anons, the Patriots. The Christian Nationalists. The isolationists. The shitposting Conservative Meme Lords. The American First conglomerate that has formed since Trump first announced he was running for president. We'll be the single largest "influential culture bloc" in the nation. There's "at least" 80 million of us after all. That's quite a bit more than the paltry few million the cabal and left have legitimately.
THIS IS HOW THE "D" PARTY DIES. They die because all their "reality manipulation" techniques are exposed and they're no longer able manipulate the public's perspective on any and all issues to the point that people have cognitive dissonance.
When the sheeple start looking for a new tribe to attach themselves too, they'll immediately start converting to our views en masse. This is how the political and spiritual parts of the 5th great awakening *(the one we're currently experiencing) are going to come into full swing. People are going to start converting political ideologies overnight to "fit in". Christianity and non corrupt churches will start seeing membership explode at rates not seen in the 21st century (not that it hasn't been growing. It's a media lie that Christianity is dying, but the growth rate is going to explode like we've never seen in our life times). Nationalist sentiments are gong to become the norm. Patriotism on levels not seen since WW II. MAGA being the only "publicly accepted" political ideology. And of course, the Memes out the wazoo.
And of course there's also the things we WON'T be seeing anymore. No more gay pride parades or propaganda. No more trans crap. No more open socialists or communists. No more open pedophiles. No more woke virtue signaling. No more wokeness in general really. No more urban hellscapes since we'll actually have cities run by competent and non corrupt officials. Etc. etc. Once people see how good things are when they come over to our "tribe", they'll naturally never want to go back.
This is how we "win". People will just start coming to our side once the left finally slits it's own throat. People are stupid and tribal. And when there's only one tribe left, they'll naturally flock to it in order to fit in and get a sense of belonging. And then once they see how good things are here, they'll never want to go back. Hence "the death of the "D" party", will happen exactly as Q said it would. And all we have to do is stay vigilant and maintain our "tribe" for it to last many, many, generations.
The tribe thing is real. I can get along with most anybody, but I can’t talk Scripture or my walk with Christ with someone who doesn’t comprehend.
4-6% will be lost forever.
94-96% that will be saved have to be red pilled. The 4-6% will be revealed as happenings occur. We haven't reached the precipice yet. We reaching the point of where telling the left is no longer working, and now they have to be shown.
Happenings have been occurring as a slow drip, the precipice is the flood.