posted ago by photobuf ago by photobuf +16 / -0

Biden's Executive Order 14067 creating a digital currency will be the end of freedom in the USA. Making us use a digital currency where we have no way to buy products without it being digital transfer is the way the DS will control all our assets. They can come to your house, demand your guns for any contrived reason and if you don't comply, they will freeze all your assets. Your credit cards will be worthless. You will not be able to access your bank account or anything else. I personally was outside the law in my youth and in the last five years have been very vocal where I stand which means I will be a target as most of you will also. I see no politician raising heck about this. Even if the Midterms go for MAGA, can they do anything about this EO? After November 8th, will we have to buy all we can to use for barter? What do we do as a MAGA community?