6.7 is comms shorthand for 6.66. Joe Biden's handicap is 666. (He's the handicap to 666, or 666 is the handicap to the presidency.)
13 is comms for targeted - "the unlucky". Obama is the unlucky. His fortunes have taken a turn for the worse, he's all bad luck/out of luck, he's going to have a real bad day.)
Could be a sitrep or it's commsing with another faction out of a different publication and they're discussing something.
6.7 is comms shorthand for 6.66. Joe Biden's handicap is 666. (He's the handicap to 666, or 666 is the handicap to the presidency.)
13 is comms for targeted - "the unlucky". Obama is the unlucky. His fortunes have taken a turn for the worse, he's all bad luck/out of luck, he's going to have a real bad day.)
Could be a sitrep or it's commsing with another faction out of a different publication and they're discussing something.