Was Tua a high profile vaccination victim? Did this Dophin owners win at all costs mentality seep down the chain of command to players and coaches knowing that in this franchise increased risk is to be shouldered by players seeking to provide for their families in a contract year. Hey NFL you may have wreaked a good thing, certain owners just do not belong in this fraternity. The owner is the tone setter, does this owner have what it takes?
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If I recall correctly, as I'm no football guru to the slightest degree, his college days were plagued with injuries. He's just one of those guys who always seems to get the shit end of the stick. Personally I think he suffered a concussion last week and was returned way too soon. Then with the Bengals game he was essentially body slammed to the back of his head yet again. His hands went all twisted and locked up tight. When I saw that I knew he had some serious neurological symptoms at that moment. Same shit happened with Paul Kariya of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim on the hockey side of things. Watch his "Off the floor, on the board" clip on YT. He came back and scored after a concussion and doesn't remember the next 3 days let alone that moment. I see this as the same thing. I'm not shilling for the vaccine, don't get me wrong. That shit is poison. But I think this was more a case of repeated head trauma coming to light. But hey, stranger things have happened. EDIT: Yeah I do think this was an owner thing turning their head the other way for sure. They were undefeated and wanted to keep that momentum. Got to get that money coming in. A shame really.
Meh, shit like this happens all the time in UFC….bodies do strange things when they get knocked the fuck out…
I have seen injuries, but never seen a UFC fighter suffer this kind of injury.
This kid suffered a sevrre to potentially career ending neurological injury. The NFL & Miami Dolphins are responsible and you can bet your last dollar their collective legal teams are gearing up for a major law suit! I hope he sues the living fuck out of them! I'm a Bills fan, life long ( yes, i admit it.. I'm older than the organization) and although I love to "hate" the Miami Dolphins (arch nemisis), and enjoy a Buffalo fish squishing victory, I cannot and will never accept injuries of this magnitude. Tua was concussed in the Bills game and should have NEVER been allowed back in the 2nd half of that game, yet alone be allowed to engage in the next game against the Bengals no matter the crucialness of "winning"!! I get it that these players are paid handsomely to entertain us, but is it worth getting life long brain damage? They all have lives to live once they exit this business. Its bad enough for everyone of us to navigate with life and the associated responsibilities, but to continue on afterwards with a severe mental handicap (that could be professionally addressed) because 32 owners and a multitude of affiliated corporations bottom lines?
I know the argument of Boxing and other deviant cage fighting gladiator spectacles (which should be entirely outlawed, IMO) will rear its ugly head for debatin here but forget it. That is not what this is about. This kid suffered a severe neuro injury and due to corporate greed was allowed (or forced?) to compete instead of recieving proper medical treatment for healing, and maybe be given the opportunity to consider his own destiny without a life long drool cup?
To be honest here. I along with 99-100% of NFL fans would enjoy watching a game where ALL players are able to perform at their maximum potential. We know injuries are part of the game. These type of injuries are never acceptable and require immediate attention. Tua T may or may not be able to continue. Doesn't matter. The NFL and the Miami Dolphins are responsible and accountable for how they handled this injury.
This could be the death knell for the NFL. I hope he and the players association sue the ever living fuck out of the NFL for their actions ( or lack of). End of story.
Knocked out people often do that T-Rex thing with their hands