(I was going to post this as a comment on this stickied post, but it became such a rant against pessimism that I felt it deserved its own. Call it a rallying cry.)
I know the type (of people recently banned en masse). Going on and on about "the endless, perpetual now" because nothing they say gets upvoted enough, because no one wants to listen to a doomer long-term.
The type who despair despair despair.
News flash, dumbasses: DESPAIR IS WORSE THAN USELESS.
Despair actively seeks to PREVENT others from acting, by demoralizing others to the point that you're making them just fucking SIT THERE and think nothing can be done. So why act? Better to just type up demented rants for years on end, right?
By definition, you would accomplish MORE by just sitting in the corner and staring at a wall, because zero is greater than a negative number. You would accomplish nothing, and you wouldn't be actively preventing OTHERS from accomplishment, too.
You doomers are all talk, no ACTION.
You will do nothing.
You will do NOTHING.
"Hope is not a strategy?" Who says we were stopping at hope?
Q gave us hope. Hope made us DIG.
Digging made us learn more about who REALLY runs the world, and thus how we can stop them, than despairing and sitting on our asses ever could.
Despair is worse than useless. Despair is POISON to ACTION.
Keep on hoping, frens. The best is yet to come.
And nothing can stop what's coming.
"But--" What part of NOTHING did you not understand?
I don’t know how I managed to miss all the drama.
Probably drama in the comments.
Some folks treat this forum like it’s their life.folks worried about how many up votes and who got stickies and who didn’t. There’s a lot of people in this forum that could really use some sunshine, a walk outdoors, some fresh air and realize that this forum isn’t real life. I come here to get updated info. Not participate in highschool drama.
I guess drama is just a part of being human. Can’t seem to avoid it anywhere.