The truth is, austerity brings desperation. Desperation brings human trafficking. Human trafficking and slavery are how many of these people accumulated their wealth in the first place. Slavery and migration are how they destabilized almost every country on earth. They've created a feedback loop.
One can create wealth by working hard, but in the modern slave trade world you become a billionaire when thousands of slaves work for you.
My industry is regulated. Billion dollar companies compete and then lobby the government for regulations to snuff out competition. I have experienced this first hand.
So, regulators are the Overseers on this plantation.
Meanwhile, the billion dollar competitors are some of the sloppiest, dirtiest and least proficient at their job. Regulators look the other way and the customer suffers.
Taxation, licenses (also taxes) and regulations (also taxes) make breaking into this industry at the mercy of who can vault the financial hurdles while the billion dollar competitor gets a free ride, bail outs and insane tax breaks.
These combined taxes equate to 25% of income, and a 30% increase in costs. Instead of delivering a better product, we have a welfare parasite siphoning off over 55% of revenue before taxes for what?
for Israel