Back in 1992, when Bill Clinton was running for president, he famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That is what drives voters. Well, that principle is probably going to be what overthrows the Babylonian leaders in the West. In spite of their blatant attempts to blame Russia for their gas shortages, the truth is too obvious.
When companies begin to shut down, when unemployment rises, when inflation goes through the roof, and when $9 billion a month of the people’s tax money is sent to Ukraine, the people themselves will eventually be jolted from their hypnotic state and realize that Klaus Schwab’s “great reset” is upon them. The plan has always been to shut down the economies so that it could be restarted under the next “New World Order.” This is a deliberate policy. To us, it is insane, but to Klaus Schwab, it is fully planned by the World Economic Forum.
Nonetheless, this final plan for total control will fail, because the Kingdom of God is rising to replace the beast systems that have ruled the world for more than 2,600 years. The great “stone” is hitting the image on its feet, and the entire image is crumbling before our eyes. We who believe the prophecies of Scripture and understand the time cycles involved—we are able to live without fear, knowing that the stone is judging Babylon, not us. God is answering prayer. We have no reason to complain when He answers our prayers.
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