This is the beginning of the events in Red October. Trump is going to prove in court that the election was stolen. Its the only way to bypass the biased media.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

They don't even have to answer the complaint for 28 to 30 days, and when they do it will be a motion to dismiss with an extended briefing schedule an no ruling until December at the earliest. Discovery won't start in earnest until they have to actually answer the complaint. Litigation is slow.
I have come to accept that the whole truth coming out is going to take a long time. My impatience is held in check, though, by the unbelievable progress I see in people close to me. The reversal of the years long brain washing really is working in my observation especially among the 20 somethings but others as well. Even a double vaxxed friend of mine who works in a well known woke hospital in Chicago said one of the doctors at a recent meeting said, "we all know the vaccines don't really work." No push back at all. That's not a full blown "they are lethal" statement but remarkable nonetheless. And the "and they are lethal" IMO is just a matter of time. The dam is breaking.