Interesting bits... Nixon wouldn't join and called them fags, gets taken down.
Tied in to Alex Jones back in 2000 era with the Satanist stuff.
A lone gunman goes with a bad plan and gets easily arrested without hurting anyone and later suicides... sounds oddly familiar to the pizzagate stuff. Seems like they set up these attacks to play off the believers as crazy people.
I don't doubt it happened, but when was this?
every year. even the normies know about it.
after that look up how europeans dedicate their new 'tunnels'
Interesting bits... Nixon wouldn't join and called them fags, gets taken down.
Tied in to Alex Jones back in 2000 era with the Satanist stuff.
A lone gunman goes with a bad plan and gets easily arrested without hurting anyone and later suicides... sounds oddly familiar to the pizzagate stuff. Seems like they set up these attacks to play off the believers as crazy people.