posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +14 / -0

And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. — Luke 19:5

A few weeks ago I was doing something and it seemed that everything I did was simply wrong. If I put something in one place, it was the wrong place. If I turned it one way, it was the wrong way. I remember being frustrated and I said to someone, “today is just not my day.”

There are days in life where it seems like it is just not our day. The things we try to do all turn out wrong. Things that we touch seem to break. The plans we make all go haywire. It just seems that no matter what you do, everything goes wrong. Maybe you have even said, “today is just not my day.”

Zacchaeus could have possibly thought that as Jesus passed by. He was too short to see Jesus as He passed by, so He decided to climb a tree to make sure he could see. Little did Zacchaeus know that the struggle he faced was about to give way to a whole new perspective.

Sometimes, things in life go wrong in order to change our perspective. Zacchaeus certainly got a different perspective of Jesus when he climbed that tree! Maybe it gives us a new outlook or maybe a new insight that we had never seen before. We would have never had the experience if things not gone wrong with our day.

Don’t be discouraged because today may not go as planned. Your challenges and difficulties can lead to a different perspective. Stay the course, be diligent, and just maybe today could be your day to see God in a way you never have before.

Jared Dyson