Let's ignore the DS angle for a bit, since I suspect many corporate boardrooms were opposed to Trump for more reasons than just being infiltrated (some may not be infiltrated by DS players at all). I want to bring this up because I feel that Trump and the Patriots exposed these people as well, and I'm probably only touching the tip of the iceberg.
Business Competition - Trump created an environment (by removing regulations) that allowed small / new businesses to grow and thrive without having to have the resources to deal with corrupt government agencies
Labor Market - job growth creates a tight labor market, which gives people options to move around and seek better jobs and opportunities for themselves
Labor Competition - requires companies to pay higher wages and/or better benefits
Control over employees - amazing how covid showed that many people can be productive working offsite, which made life easier for people who had to be onsite (parking, commuting, fuel costs, etc) - but now those same corporations feel their people must be onsite full time to get work done, when it clearly has nothing to do with getting work done.
Political Control - a few large corporations are easier to control from a political standpoint, than many smaller companies. The people running the large corporations benefit from having a symbiotic relationship with politicians, being better prepared (advance warning) for regulations and government manipulation of large markets. I suspect they feel they can strongly influence and exercise some control over the political side, and profit from it.
My theories:
Edit: 3) Other companies follow suit because they believe the large companies do it because it increases sales.